Obaushkong Aki Resource Office
Overview of Website Pages
The Team Page
You can find information here about the Obaushkong Aki Resource Office Team. There is background information on each team member as well as contact information.
This page goes over our role and responsibilities in the consultation process for mining permits, forestry activities, and other proposed developments in Wabauskang's traditional territory.
In this section we provide a summary of the programs designed to address the environmental
concerns of the community.
Obaushkong Aki works with community members to identify environmental concerns and/or priorities in the community’s traditional territory. Once priorities have been identified, we identify the resources required to implement programs that monitor and/or address the environmental concerns of the community. Examples of this are the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Program, reduction in the herbicide use on the Trout Lake Forest, increasing blueberry harvesting opportunities on the Whiskey Jack Forest, and engagement in the Woodland Caribou Workshops.
Employment and Training
Here you can find information on training and employment opportunities.